Sunday, 20 April 2008

washing line cushion...

as i'm sure you've guessed by now, me and my sewing machine have become best friends. the sad fact of it is that it's not even mine, it's on loan from my sewing machine man - i just hope no one buys it out from under me (don't you dare). I'm sure that most of the work is done by the machine and not me... it's lurvely, honestly. an old bernina, nothing fancy, just good quality basic stitching, and that's all i seem to need - a straight stitch and a zig zag. mum bought herself an electronic one at christmas and i just can't seem to get on with it. i use it a lot but i'm never completely happy with the projects i make on it. but my bernina, ooh, my bernina...
so it was on my bernina that i made this little pattern up. i bondawebbed random scraps of fabric first, and thenfree hand cut (free-cut?) (free-snip?) random clothes shapes and the wooden poles. Then ironed on and got sewing. I just did it onto a fat quarter and then trimmed to size when it came to putting the cushion together. And then - i have never done this before so thought i was pretty clever, sewed a 1/4" seam around the edge to make it sort of piped. Pretty pleased with the results I must say, looks ALMOSt professionale...
and guess what - even my grandma likes it. I don't think i've told you abut my grandma before. she is eminently practical, no nonsense, and most of all NOT crafty in the slightest. She doesn't get it. She is forever saying, but it looks messy, couldn't you have left it in one piece, it's got funny ears, I don't like this, I don't like that... but this cushion recieved the signed sealed delivered grandma seal of approval. Ah, what bliss, I bask in the glow of her approbation. And then I show her something else and it's back to square one. Oh well...

oh yeah, i meant to say, sorry the picture is so washed out, I had put the setting on the camera whilst the sky was cloudy and just as I started taking the pictures the sun started mega shining. And I didn't notice until I had put everything away and started uploading.

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