Monday, 22 September 2008

The grand unveiling.

I have been very lax about my photos of all the building works, I can only say that things have been stopping and starting and stopping and starting and my camera only remembered to take pictures during the stopping moments.. which weren't so interesting really.
So here now, for the upstairs at least, is the grand unveiling. Seeing as there have already been about 6 classes in the paper salon (posh name for papercraft room) I think it's a bit overreaching to call it a 'grand' unveiling but here goes anyway: The Fabric Room (excuse the wire hanging from the ceiling, that's my fault for leaving it there)

And the paper room (sorry, salon)

(notice the lovely floors, ooh I had fights over those floors...)

D'you like the pink walls? I just had to, I did. Although I abstained from all the walls being pink, and instead went for a lovely selection of the following colours: soft khaki (pastel green), icelandic blue (light blue) stepping stone (aqua) cocoa (mmmm lovely mushroomy brown) and I think the pink is called hard candy. Oh yeah, and the lovely fail safe that is magnolia. There was a darker pink too, but I just did NOT like it, so it went on the chairs instead. Notice how all the chairs match the colours of the walls?
Now, I am actually a darker and bolder colour lover, so this was tricky for me, introducing colour to a space that needed to be light, airy, warm, cosy, conducive to creativity and friendly. And not put anyone off (even those who don't like pink) Whew! I'll be happy if I made it half way through that list of requirements, I'm not sure all is possible.
And our lovely shelves, painted in stepping stone, constructed from scaffold boards, waiting to be instroduced to lots of lovely things...
So, my precious classrooms... consider yourselves officially unveiled.

1 comment:

  1. And a wonderful Papercraft room it is to work in too.............
