Ruby Star Rising Giveaway!
Over on Pings and Needles we are giving away four fat quarters of your choice of the fabulous Ruby Star Rising range from Melody Miller. Could it get better than that? Well, yes, because the lovely Sarah is doing a big interview with Melody herself too in a few days - and having met Melody, it will be a good interview.
Have you checked out her blog? Melody has written some super inspiring posts over the past few months - I think my favourite must be this one - it made me think about all the things we have done even here at the eternal maker that haven't worked out. My favourite part is where Melody says: "I have to do work that honestly inspires me, and not get caught up in the trap of what-I-think-will-sell.". This is so true.
Anyway, I am rambling. So head on over to Pings and Needles and get yourself in the giveaway!
P.S. Did you read how Melody describes me? Must be someone else she's thinking of ;)