Saturday, 7 May 2011

Barcelona... where the streets are paved with hexagons

Hello folks, how are you all doing this fine day? I feel like I should apologise because I was getting pretty good at updating and then I let it go for a little while again. But I'm back, and only 2 weeks, which for my records isn't that bad!
I do have an excuse, what with Easter, and then all the bank holidays. And I went to Barcelona for a long weekend and when I came back I didn't feel 100%, and couldn't face doing pretty much anything, let alone this. So sorry.
Has anyone been to Barcelona? It was my second trip there, the first being about 5 years ago now, and I had forgotten what a beautiful city it is. And I'd forgotten (or maybe I never noticed before) that many of the streets are paved with these beautiful paving stones. I never thought I'd use the phrase 'beautiful paving stones'. Ha.
But it's got me all inspired for hexagons. I've done a couple of hexagon projects before, but they've all been pretty small (cushions are the biggest). But maybe now I'm inspired now to maybe try something bigger. Hmmm. The grey of this also re-inspires me for my often-thought-about-never-yet-got-around-to grey and yellow quilt. This has been in my head for literally ages - but I haven't even started collecting fabrics for it, which for me is weird, it's usually any excuse. I think it's my 'one day' quilt. Anyone else got one of those?

1 comment:

  1. i recognise those hexagons, i took a similar picture about a year ago, when i was there. i believe they are gaudi!
